From writing to un-writing.
When I write, I create stories, characters, I set up places and a coherent narrative. I want to be precise, analyze different psychologies, I care about the meaning and what I want to convey.
After doing this intensive process of creating meaning through my writings, I’m leading progressively toward another process of creating, more abstract, more open to interpretation, more free. It’s not only the continuity, it’s a dialog, an answer. I free the letters from the language rules, and explore another form of communication, the universal one, the artistic one.
The one who gather my dual identity, the languages that surround me where I live, Hebrew and Arabic, my mother tong, French, my tool language, English, my philosophical language, ancient Greek… all those languages and identities that constitute me, inspire and influence my way to create and interact with the world.
Conversing between writing and un-writing. Concrete and abstract. Rationality and absurd. Rules and freedom. Black and colors. I created my own sphere of creation, two ways of expression. One requires rules to understand it, my books, and the other one requires open mindedness, my paintings.
Both became not only complementary, but essential to my process of creation. I write stories right away I unwrite them, and vice versa, as if I needed to answer differently to my own work.